inspiring everyone to practice + play
by Chris Avantaggio May 21, 2017 1 min read
Time to kick off summer! Join us Saturday May, 27 from 12-4 PM for a sample sale and pop-up shop at Urban Farm Fermentory in Portland.
by Jamie Walter May 02, 2017 3 min read
This month's Mainer Spotlight brings us Downeast to Islesford, where Jeremy Alley, better known as@outofthebluealley on Instagram, resides. Jeremy's Instagram is a must follow, as it delivers a taste of what Maine's island life is all about. From amazing photos of sunrises out on the ocean to equally stunning sunsets behind the mountains of Mount Desert Island, Jeremy's picture-perfect backyard will make any Mainer jealous.
by Jamie Walter April 21, 2017 2 min read
Most Mainers seem to enjoy winter... from December until February. However, once March rolls around, some are sick and tired of the cold, while others continue to milk every last drop out of the remaining snow. Whatever you choose to do with your free time in the early spring months is fine with us, as long as you're sharing the fun on Instagram using #LiveMaine!
Here are some of our favorite photos you guys posted to Instagram using the #LiveMaine hashtag. From surfing, to ice fishing, sunrises, and sunsets, be sure to share your photos with #LiveMaine on Instagram for a change to be featured next month!
by Jamie Walter April 04, 2017 2 min read
by Jamie Walter March 16, 2017 2 min read
There's no doubt about it, this winter hasbeen a wild one here in Maine. Cold spells, massiveNor'Easters, and false teases of spring-like weather have dragged Mainers on a roller coaster ride over the past few months.
by Jamie Walter March 01, 2017 2 min read
Some of the most uplifting stories to read these days are about people giving back to their community. It is especially encouraging when we hear that these good deeds are happening right here in the state of Maine. This winter,the Riders Club organization set out with a selfless mission to expand access for Maine youth to snowboarding and freestyle skiing. We stopped by their “Park Shark” event series at Sugarloaf back in February to see what it was all about.
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